The glib answer to the question of “why I am an atheist” is to say
it’s for the same reason I don’t believe in the existence of invisible
pink unicorns or teapots orbiting the planet Jupiter. In other words,
since there’s no good reason why I should believe in these things, I shouldn’t need to justify my lack of belief in them. And this answer is perfectly valid and true insofar as it goes.
problem with this answer, however, is that – unlike invisible pink
unicorns and interplanetary teapots – a lot of people currently believe
in God (or at least some form of being that can be called “God”).
Which is to say that it’s not blindingly obvious to most people that
there is no good reason to believe in God, and so my answer as to why I
am in the minority probably does deserve a bit of fleshing out.
will say that, in a sense, I have been an atheist all my life, despite
having been raised in a fundamentalist Christian faith by my parents.
[As an aside, I know that many people will object to my characterization
of Mormonism as a “fundamentalist Christian” faith, but doctrinal
differences aside, the important thing is that I was raised to believe
in the existence of a personal God and the literal truth of the Bible
(and other scriptures).] The thing is, despite being taught from an
early age to believe in God, I was never able to wholly internalize that
belief. I mean, I accepted that it “must” be true because it’s what my
parents believed and it’s what I was taught at church, but there’s a
difference between accepting something must be true and actually believing
it to be true. As I grew older and learned more about the world around
me, I became very good at compartmentalizing my acceptance that God
“must” exist to protect it from the lack of any empirical evidence for
his existence and the increasing evidence that actually contradicted his
Majoring in philosophy (even at a religious
school like Brigham Young University) really opened my eyes in a number
of ways. It taught me both about logical thinking in general and about
the many different worldviews held by different cultures throughout
history. And it made it harder and harder for me to accept that there
“must” be a God simply because of what I was taught by my parents and
teachers. Since that time, I have continued to use the tools I learned
in my philosophy studies to analyze the various reasons why somebody might believe in God and all the reasons why such belief is not justified.
For me personally, it comes down to the realization of just how ridiculous
it is to believe that this entire vast universe was created just for our
benefit. It made much more sense thousands of years ago when people
thought that stars were just lights in the sky and that the Earth really was
all there was. Now that we know just how many billions of galaxies there
are, each with their own billions of stars, it's pretty obvious that the notion
of a personal God who created us and watches over us and pays attention to us
and cares about us is just wishful thinking.
On top of that, of course, is all the scientific evidence that has been
gathered over the years that directly contradicts almost everything stated in
the scriptures, whether it be the Bible, the Book of Mormon, the Koran,
etc. At most, you can look to scriptures as allegorical stories that
(hopefully) tell you how to live a good life, but if they're not based on facts
then there's really no need to worship anything described therein.
Think about Santa Claus. When you're a little kid with no knowledge of
science, it makes perfect sense for there to be magical flying reindeer that
can travel all over the entire world in a single evening carrying a magical
sled filled with billions of toys. After all, that's what your parents told
you and how else could those toys mysteriously appear under the tree? As
an adult, however, it's hard to imagine that anybody (let alone you) could have
ever been so naive and gullible. Not only is everything about the Santa
Claus story impossible, but there are much more plausible explanations
available for the gifts.
The final piece of the puzzle for me was the realization that people are
very good at self-deception and that plenty of folks are probably 100% sincere
when they claim to have had a conversion experience or "felt the
spirit" or what have you. That's why so many people cling to so many
different faiths.
So yes, the short answer is that I am
an atheist because there’s no good reason not to be one. The longer
answer, which I’m still working on, is what I hope to express through
the posts I make to this blog.
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